
Building B, level 5, Roscongress Urban Hub

Small Towns and Key Settlements: The Linchpin of Russia’s Socioeconomic Development

Small Towns and Key Settlements: The Linchpin of Russia’s Socioeconomic Development
The Russian Ministry of Agriculture is preparing a project for the development of 2,000 key settlements that will start being implemented in 2025 based on instructions from the Russian president. The Russian Competition of the Best Projects for Creating a Comfortable Urban Environment has been held since 2018 and involves cities with populations of up to 200,000 people. Many of these cities are small (with populations under 50,000 people).
Small towns remind us of our childhood, yet they seem to have become a thing of the past. It is no secret that young people are eager to leave small towns and rush off to megacities for knowledge, greater impressions, and more money.
Today, Russia faces the difficult albeit solvable task of making small towns attractive for all generations. A renaissance of small towns is approaching, where the main role is played by individuals and the realization of their talents and ambitions.
However, developing the infrastructure of small towns and creating new jobs, including ones that require skilled professionals, is the only way we can say that we are ready to not only retain, but also develop the population of cities.
At the session, we will discuss how we can rapidly improve the quality of life in the outskirts of urban and rural agglomerations in the Far East and the Arctic and adapt the successful practices of cities in Central Russia to the country’s northern territories.

Sofia Poznanskaya — General Director, Center for Territorial Development of the Ivanovo Region

Roman Kapinos — First Deputy General Director, FSK Region
Mikhail Kuznetsov — Director, Eastern State Planning Center (FANU Vostokgosplan)
Ilya Petrasov — Development Director, Samolet Group of Companies
Grigory Solomin — Managing Partner, NOVAYA
Ekaterina Cherkes-zade — Director of the Center for the Development of Creative Economy, Agency for Strategic Initiatives to Promote New Projects


Building B, level 5, Roscongress Urban Hub

Campuses: A Magnet for Science and Specialists

Russia has launched a massive programme under the auspices of the Science and Universities national project for the construction of world-class university campuses with housing for students and teachers, as well as educational, laboratory, and sports complexes. Leading international experts agree that modern infrastructure is essentially the main factor when choosing a place to obtain a higher education and, consequently, a future profession.
In addition, not only are campuses an attractive environment; they are also knowledge-intensive university laboratories at which students take their first steps in science and research.
Campuses are also designed to intensify collaboration between science and education and the real sector of the economy. They are a one-stop shop for the requisition of innovative products and research.
What canons and progressive ideas are currently popular in conceptual solutions for world-class campuses? What are the current approaches to building university complexes and recreation areas? Dozens of Russian universities are already taking part in the project and their numbers are only growing.
Some regions have already implemented their own campus projects, while others are only dreaming and planning of going down this road.

Yury Marfin — Rector, Pacific State University

Амир Идиатулин — Генеральный директор IND Architects
Aleksandra Lebedeva — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Kamchatka Territory
Alexey Rakitsky — Minister of Architecture and Urban Planning of the Sakhalin Region
Nataliya Reznichenko — General Director of the Investment Division of VIS Group


Building B, level 5, Roscongress Urban Hub

Opening Ceremony of the Roscongress Urban Hub EEF 2024 International Discussion Platform

The Urban Hub discussion platform is opening its doors with invariable success for the fourth time. The central theme of Urban Hub at the Eastern Economic Forum 2024 will be ‘City by the Water’. Almost all cities in the Far East and the Arctic are located on sea or river routes. This crucial factor directly affects the development of the urban environment, economy, intercity and interregional connections, and human capital.

Cities by the water are committed to environmental sustainability by efficiently using their water resources and minimizing their negative environmental impact as much as possible.

During the opening of the platform, partners and organizers will share their expectations about the work of the platform and prospects for further cooperation.

Yulia Zubarik

Alexey Almazov — Managing Partner for the Regions Segment, FSK Group of Companies
Arman Bareyan — GITS, architect, director
Gaidukov Alexander — Head, "Strana Development" Group of Companies
Elvira Nurgalieva — Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Dmitry Ryabov — Chairman of the Board of Directors, DARS
Nikita Stasishin — Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation
Stanislav Taratunin
Aigul Yusupova — Managing Partner, Unikey


Building B, level 5, Roscongress Urban Hub

Urban Infrastructure in the Far East. Partnerships between Cities and Investors

Cities in the Russian Far East face unique challenges and opportunities in the development of urban infrastructure. In recent years, they have been actively working on projects to attract private investment and create public-private partnerships. In 2023, the Far East accounted for about a quarter of the Russian PPP projects market with total investment of more than RUB 600 billion.
These projects not only contribute to the modernization of urban infrastructure, but also play a key role in the creation of new socioeconomic conditions. The involvement of business helps solve two key problems: a rapid increase in total investment in the shortest possible time and the use of successful experience from other regions of Russia and the world.
What approaches and programmes are being adopted to attract private funds for the development of urban infrastructure in the Far East? How can business and government effectively expand their collaboration? What PPP examples are the Far Eastern regions using a guide?

Alexey Almazov — Managing Partner for the Regions Segment, FSK Group of Companies

Kirill Bychkov — Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Pavel Matyukhin — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Amur Region
Yakov Pronin — Investment Director of Samolet Group
Sergey Romashov — Member of the Board of Directors, VIS Group
Nikita Stasishin — Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation