
Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Expert discussion

Barriers and Drivers of Fish Consumption in Russia: Marketing and Development of Healthy Nutrition of the Population

More than 4 million tonnes of fish and seafood were caught in the Far East in 2023. This is 76% of the aquatic bioresources harvested in the Russian Federation. The Far Eastern fishery basin ranks first in Russia in terms of aquatic bioresources production. However, not every Russian has ever tasted the meat of Far Eastern crab or scallops.
Why, given the significant volumes of aquatic bioresources extraction and export of fish and seafood in the Far East, are these valuable dietary products not available to Russians and are in short supply in the diet of the country's population? What are the fish and seafood consumption habits of the Russian population and why have such stereotypes of food behaviour developed? How can existing barriers be reduced and dietary fish and seafood from the Far East be included in the regular diet of Russians? How can we introduce a culture of fish consumption?
The state and business are interested in stimulating consumption of fish and seafood and promoting products on the domestic market. What can each market player do at its own stage and when is their synergy important?

Elena Ageshina — Director for Research Projects and Expert Developments, Federal Autonomous Scientific Institution «Eastern State Planning Center»

Stanislav Andreev — CEO, SberMarketing
Evgeny Batyashin — Research and Development Director, SberMarketing
Andrey Mikhalevich
Yuliya Morozova — Deputy Chairman, Government of Kamchatskiy Krai
Vasily Pushkin — Government Relations Directorи, X5 Group


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District

Public talk

Sakhalin Region: biodiversity conservation, tourism and sustainable development of the region

Sakhalin Region is Russia's only island region washed by the waters of the cold Sea of Okhotsk, the warm Sea of Japan and the Pacific Ocean. Its maritime territory is home to many rare species, so one of the key challenges is sustainable development of the region, balancing economic growth while preserving ecosystems and biodiversity.
Since the leading sectors of Sakhalin's economy are oriented towards the use of natural resources, the solution to this task lies in the interaction of federal and regional authorities, representatives of science, public organisations and business. How do their joint actions help preserve the famous grey whales, save seals from plastic, develop specially protected natural areas and eco-tourism?

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Natalya Gonchar — Head of Corporate Relations Department, Sakhalin Energy
Artem Lazarev — Minister of Tourism of the Sakhalin Region
Nataliya Pakholkova — First Deputy Minister of Tourism of the Sakhalin Region


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District


Chukotka Autonomous Region

Chukotka is one of the most favorable territories in the Far East for investors. The region's resource potential is significant even on a global scale. The economy is developing rapidly, the gross regional product has grown 4.5 times over the last 15 years and amounts to almost 180 billion rubles. The region is located along the Northern Sea Route, which opens up huge opportunities for the whole country.
The nature and amazing places of Chukotka will touch the soul and allow everyone to feel the universe inside who will visit it one day.
Investment opportunities, travelers' experience and tourism potential, what Russia and the world should know about Chukotka: we will discuss in a big presentation.
Chukotka is a place where inspiration meets great opportunities!

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Bogdan Bulychev — Traveler, Blogger
Vladislav Kuznetsov — Governor of the Chukotka Autonomous Region


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic


Open plenary session of the programme "Muravyov-Amursky 2030"

The Muravyov-Amursky 2030 programme is being implemented by the Russian Ministry for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic together with the Far East and Arctic Development Corporation, with support from the Skolkovo School of Management and Far Eastern Federal University. The aim of the programme is to train a management team of civil servants to work in the Far East.
Graduates of the programme work in all 11 regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, holding positions as ministers, deputy ministers, advisors to governors, heads of departments, deputy heads of municipalities, as well as heading regional development institutes and project offices of the Far Eastern Priority 2030 track at leading universities.

The following applied projects have been introduced into the programme at the request of the regions of the Far East:
- Promotion of the region based on best international practices (Republic of Sakha (Yakutia))
- Electricity generation in the Far East (Primorsky Krai)
- Labour resources for the construction industry (Amur Region)

At the Eastern Economic Forum site, the programme cadets will present their developments and receive feedback in the format of an open discussion with the expert community.

Mihail Krivopal — Vice-Rector for Additional Education, Far Eastern Federal University


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District


Trans-Baikal Territory

Trans-Baikal Territory is the youngest region of Russia, formed in 2008. The region is famous for its amazing nature, rich history and interesting cultural heritage.
During the five years that Trans-Baikal Territory has been part of the Far Eastern Federal District, its budget has grown 2.5 times. Now the regional government is moving on to the next stage of development, during which all programmes, economic and infrastructure projects should be converted to the maximum extent possible into growth of people's living standards and development of towns and villages.

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Buyanto Batomunkuev — Acting Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Trans-Baikal Territory
Yulia Ivanova — Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Trans-Baikal Territory
Ilya Petrasov — Development Director, Samolet Group of Companies


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District

Public talk

Interview with the Chairman of the Government of the Primorsky Territory

The Primorsky Territory is among the top five leaders in terms of achieving the indicators of the national projects "Digital Economy", "Environment", "Small and Medium Entrepreneurship", and "Labour Productivity". Almost every second container in Russia is handled by the region's seaports. More than 3.5 million tourists visited the region in 2023.

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Vera Shcherbina — First Vice-Governor – Chairman of the Government of the Primorsky Territory


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic


Presentation of master-plans of tourism and recreational clusters of the Kamchatka priority development area

Representatives of Bureau "Chekharda" will present the results and share the successful experience of a large-scale six-month work on the development of spatial strategic planning documents for tourist territories in the Kamchatka region, talk about functional zoning of future resorts, development strategy and potential investment lots of clusters.

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Daria Bychkova — Director, Bureau "Chekharda"
Svetlana Zelenyuk — Development Director, Bureau "Chekharda"
Maria Pomelova — Partner, Bureau "Chekharda"


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic


House of the Peoples of Russia

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Anna Polezhaeva — Director, House of the Peoples of Russia


Building A, level 6, Exhibition of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East and Arctic

Regions of the Far Eastern Federal District


Sakhalin Region

Andrey Zhurankov — Head of the Analytical Group of the Press Center, News Agency TASS

Anastasia Kozhepenko — General Director, Human Capital Development Agency of the Sakhalin Region