
Building B, level 6, conference hall 8

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Three Whales: Science, Nature, Humans

Many people are aware of the myth about three whales propping up the earth on their backs, which seems so naive now. It is so familiar that it has long become an idiom, a symbol of unshakable and indestructible support. But what is actually propping up the universe? From everyday experience, people know that no real object can simply rest on nothing, which means that there must be some kind of support propping up the universe. But this immediately provokes another question: what, in turn, is propping up this support? After all, it cannot just hang there in the void! Another prop had to be invented, followed by another one and another one. The result was a whole series of pillars of the universe. Let’s start with science. What are its goals and purpose? The goals are easy. It’s knowledge, the systematization of the world, and the creation of new technological tools that support our livelihoods. Next is nature. Does it recognize science or does it not recognize it in the absolute degree? Nature does not even know the number ‘two’. In nature, there are no two identical objects, and phenomena develop like a tree that is branching out, where each branch and each leaf is formed individually, without using the principles of mathematical cloning. Many different natural processes, either ones that merge into a single channel or spread again, form a unique pattern that randomly creates unique objects here and there. Then there are humans. They themselves are the infinite universe. Infinitely large and infinitely small. Can these three whales swim alone? What do we need to do so that we don’t lose ourselves, nature, or science? What other pillars of the universe have we yet to find?

Maxim Safonov — Professor, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)

Vladimir Klimanov — Director, Institute for Public Finance Reform (IPFR); Head of the Regional Policy Center, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)
Alexey Maslov — Director, Institute of Asian and African Studies, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Ruslan Novikov — General Director, Argumenty I Facty
Maxim Protasov — Head, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo) (online)
Vyacheslav Fetisov — Deputy of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation; Goodwill Ambassador, The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Chairman, All-Russian Society of Nature Conservation

Front row participants:
Aleksandr Lila — Director, V.A. Nasonova Research Institute of Rheumatology
Oleg Remyga — Head of the "China" direction, Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO


Building B, level 6, conference hall 9

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Electric Power Industry in the Far East: Expansion of the Competitive Pricing Zone and Integration with the UES of Russia

Currently, there are no competitive relations or market pricing mechanisms on the territory of the United Energy System of the East. The fully regulated pricing system combined with the isolation of the electric power industry in the Far East are the main restraining factors. At the same time, there is a growing need for the formation of industrial clusters in the east of the country, strengthening of transport potential, and the full electrification of the eastern part of the Russian railroads. All this requires additional investments in the electric power industry, development of generating capacities and grid infrastructure, as well as strengthening of interconnections between various grids. Thus, the issue of introducing market mechanisms in the electric power industry of the Far East is more acute than ever. When will market mechanisms be introduced? Will the creation of a new pricing zone of the wholesale market change the dynamics? What is needed for this in terms of technology and changes in regulatory rules? What results can be expected from such transformations and how will this affect electricity prices? What should be done to modernize the decentralized power supply zones in the Far East?

Elena Likhomanova — Anchor, Izvestia and REN TV channel

Maksim Bystrov — Chairman of the Board, NP Market Council
Vitaly Korolev — Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
Fedor Opadchiy — Chairman of the Board, System Operator of the United Power System
Andrey Ryumin — General Director, Chairman of the Management Board, Rosseti
Stephan Solzhenitsyn — Chief Executive Officer, SGK; Member of the Board of Directors, SUEK
Viktor Khmarin — Chairman of the Management Board, General Director, RusHydro
Nikolay Shulginov — Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation


Building D, level 6, conference hall 17

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Promoting Russian Software: Opportunities in the Domestic Market and Export Possibilities

Over the past six months, the Russian IT industry has undergone some radical changes. Many companies had to alter their business models entirely to adjust to the new conditions. However, after the departure of multiple Western businesses Russian companies have a wide array of opportunities, both in terms of internal promotion of local IT solutions, and in terms of fulfilling the export potential. Government, as well as private business will need to invest significantly in the country’s new IT infrastructure. Their efforts will facilitate the emergence of dozens and hundreds new products and technologies. Have all companies been able to adapt to these changes? What new opportunities for domestic promotion have arisen under the new realities? Are Russian companies, which traditionally supply their solutions to the Russian market, ready to expand their business abroad? What opportunities are there to promote Russian IT products in the APR countries? How can the government help IT companies in the current environment? How can export of IT solutions be supported? What Russian developments will be in demand for an orderly build-up of cooperation with partners from these countries?

Evelina Zakamskaya — Editor-in-Chief, Doctor Channel; Anchor, Russia 24

Stanislav Kuznetsov — Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board, Sberbank
Valentin Makarov — President, RUSSOFT Association
Aleksandr Pavlov — General Director, Russian Information Technology Development Foundation
Maxim Parshin — Deputy Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation
Andrey Samokhin — Chief Executive Officer, VEB.RF Group

Front row participants:
Dina Gayzatullina — Deputy General Director for Government Relations, Innotech Group of Companies
Alexander Malakhov — Head of Digital Development, Center for Strategic Research Foundation (online)
Andrey Sikorsky — Director of Marketing and Communications, RBC
Konstantin Khromushkin — Deputy General Director for Innovative Development and Digital Transformation, 1520 Group of Companies
Maksim Chugunov — General Director, Promobot


Building D, level 6, conference hall 18

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Car Industry: A New Impetus

The Russian automotive industry has once again found itself at a turning point in its development, as it needs to look for a new sustainable business model, new partners, and new channels of communication with global markets. When developing the updated Development Strategy for the Russian Automotive Industry until 2035, industry representatives, market participants, and the Russian government had to start from scratch to find answers to key questions: Which path will the industry take as it searches for its technological sovereignty? Can Russia support its automotive market by solely relying on its own resources and expertise, while independently supporting global trends in the world automotive industry? And will Russian car brands be able to return to export markets?

Andrey Tomyshev — Partner, Advanced Manufacturing & Mobility Leader in Strategy and Transactions, B1 Group of Сompanies

Nikolay Sobolev — Chief Executive Officer, Sollers Auto
Maxim Sokolov — President, AVTOVAZ
Alexander Turkov — Managing Director, InfraVEB

Front row participants:
Denis Smirnov — General Director, MTS AUTO
Eduard Cherkin — Partner, Yakov & Partners


Building A, level 3, conference hall 3

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Circular Economy: New Opportunities for the Far East

In 2022, Russia launched the Circular Economy federal project, which is overseeing the development of programmes in various sectors and legislative initiatives to ensure that resources with potential economic benefits are used as efficiently as possible. As is happening elsewhere in the world, a new paradigm is emerging in place of a linear economic model, with efforts to minimize waste generation and return secondary raw materials into economic circulation. The main goal of the circular economic model is to reduce waste generation and popularize the principles of utilizing secondary raw materials across the economy. In view of this, the creation of an effective waste management system becomes a priority measure in efforts to achieve sustainable development goals. What are the key state policy priorities that could help to bring about a circular economy in Russia? What measures need to be taken to provide industry with technologies and components as part of the import substitution program? What best global practices for transitioning to a circular economy could be applied in Russia? How could an effective and seamless system be created to prepare employees for the circular economy? What state support measures are needed to ensure the accelerated development of a waste sorting system? How effective is the development of the sharing economy in increasing conscious consumption among citizens?

Kirill Tokarev — Editor-in-Chief, Anchor, RBC

Stanislav Bogdanov — Director for Government Relations, X5 Group
Sergey Korolev — Deputy General Director for Regional Development, Russian Environmental Operator Public Law Company
Ivan Lobanov — Rector, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Yulia Mihaleva — Deputy Director, Russian Quality System (Roskachestvo)
Dmitriy Tetenkin — Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation

Front row participant:
Elena Parkhomenko — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Primorsky Territory


Building A, level 5, conference hall 4

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Refining Oil and Gas: Useful Hydrocarbons

The geopolitical crisis of 2022 means that participants and regulators operating in Russia’s oil and gas market must make a balanced assessment and adapt to the new economic reality in a timely fashion. Thanks to the rapid reorientation of exports to Asia-Pacific countries, the Russian treasury received RUB 3.3 trillion in additional oil and gas revenues in the first six months of this year, which is more than the figure for the whole of 2021. Russia ranks second among countries exporting oil to China and India, which are poised to take a 30% share of global oil demand by 2025. Continuing the eastward expansion, Gazprom and the China National Petroleum Corporation signed a new contract on the supply of an additional 10 billion m3 of gas per year via the Far East route, and a feasibility study on the Soyuz Vostok gas pipeline (an extension of the Power of Siberia 2 pipeline through Mongolia) was also carried out. At the same time, the critical dependence on imported technologies and equipment for large-scale LNG production is slowing and blocking the development of liquefied gas exports. Cumulatively, this should lead to increased demand on domestic markets (gas chemical projects, gasification, development of small-scale LNG and gas motor fuel markets) alongside changes to institutional frameworks including efforts to strike a new balance between participants, the likely rejection of price regulations for industrial customers, and the further development of exchange trading. How can the potential of Far Eastern energy resources be realized on an elective basis over the next 20–30 years under sanctions? What plans are in place for the construction and modernization of large and medium-sized manufacturing facilities with an implementation period to 2025? Will technological sanctions halt the implementation of gas engine projects? Will the practice of LNG bunkering ships grow in relevance? What incentives can be offered to friendly nations?

Daria Kozlova — Advisor to the Chief Executive Officer, Russian Energy Agency (REA) of the Ministry of Energy of Russia

Mikhail Karisalov — Chairman of the Management Board, Chief Executive Officer, SIBUR
Vitaly Korolev — Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
Vitaly Markelov — Deputy Chairman of the Management Committee, Member of the Board of Directors, Gazprom
Oleg Melnikov — Executive Vice President – Head of the Department of Banking Support for Contracts, Gazprombank
Stanislav Neverov — General Director, East Arctic Oil and Gas Corporation
Pavel Sorokin — First Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation

Front row participant:
Alexey Belik — Prime Minister of Sakhalin Region


Building B, level 6, conference hall 8

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Future of Industries: What to Buy and What to Produce? Aviation

The development of the Far East as a centre of the aviation industry has an important role to play in building sustainable business relations with partners from the Asia-Pacific region and will aid the systematic diversification of advanced aviation equipment manufacturing at enterprises in the Far Eastern Federal District, including the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (Republic of Buryatia), the Progress Arsenyev Aviation Company in Arsenyev (Primorye Territory), the Yuri Gagarin Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aircraft Plant and the production centre of the Irkut Corporation Regional Aircraft branch in Komsomolsk-on-Amur (Khabarovsk Territory). What state support measures are needed to attract Russian and foreign investors? What steps should be taken to increase production capacity at enterprises in the context of the counterproductive sanctions policy of western states? Is it possible to speed up the process of finding new suppliers of critical aviation components and offset the damage caused by the suspension of ties with former business partners? How can the existing issues in ensuring full technological sovereignty be solved in the name of addressing the present challenges?

Wilhelmina Shavshina — Partner, Head of International Trade and Customs Practice, B1 Group of Companies

Ivan Abramov — Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Fedor Borisov — Chief Expert, Institute of Transport Economics and Transport Policy, National Research University Higher School of Economics
Oleg Bocharov — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Nikolay Kushnarev — Director of the Industrial Policy Department, Eurasian Economic Commission
Konstantin Sukhorebrik — General Director, Aurora Airlines
Igor Chalik — Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation

Front row participants:
Mariya Avilova — First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Khabarovsk Krai
Oleg Bogomolov — Director of Civil Aviation Programs, Ural Works of Civil Aviation
Alexander Dulebenets — Head of Logistics Department of SSJ, Irkut Corporation
Alexey Kozlov — Chief Executive Officer, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant
Denis Nevzorov — Director of the Department for International Cooperation and Technological Development of the Far East and the Arctic, Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic


Building B, level 7, conference hall 11

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Future of Industries: What to Buy and What to Produce? Mining

The Far East is the country’s leading region in terms of mining, yet its mineral potential is not fully explored. There are over 6,500 deposits of solid minerals and hydrocarbons in the territory. Interests of state authorities, subsoil user companies, and scientific institutions converge here in the pursuit of strategic and innovative projects’ implementation. The mineral industry of the Far East makes a significant contribution to the economic development of the country and plays an important role in ensuring the raw material sovereignty of the Russian Federation as a key factor of national security. Taking into account the sanctions, as well as the fact that various domestic industries have been missing various types of imported products, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of the state and business to reduce the high dependence on imports and achieve the country's raw material sovereignty. Strategic minerals should become a new priority for geological exploration. Attempts to isolate Russia from international logistics chains entail the need to develop deep processing and create high value-added products within the country, as well as accelerated infrastructure development of the regions. New prospects for the development of the mineral resource base of the Far East. How is raw material sovereignty ensured in the changed foreign policy environment? How to simplify the issuance of licenses for the use of mineral resources in order to reduce the excessive administrative burden and accelerate the launch of new mineral projects? How to simplify access to inert materials for accelerated infrastructure development of the regions?

Oleg Kazanov — Director, All-Russian Institute of Mineral Resources. N.M. Fedorovsky

Vladimir Verkhovtsev — General Director, Atomredmetzoloto
Sergey Zhuravlev — Vice President of Government Relations, Polyus
Alexander Kozlov — Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Anna Tsivileva — Chairman of the Board of Directors, Kolmar Group
Vyacheslav Chirkov — Chief Geologist - Deputy General Director, Surgutneftegaz

Front row participants:
Alexander Popov — Vice President, Head of the Trans-Baikal Division, OJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel
Igor Semenov — Executive Director, First Ore Mining Company


Building B, level 7, conference hall 12

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Travelling to the East: Opportunities for Investors and Tourists

In partnership with ProGorod

Tourism is increasingly being talked about as a driver of economic development. The development of domestic and inbound tourism today is a strategic state policy priority, requiring the creation of policy papers based on a comprehensive analysis. How can Russia’s tourism potential be fully unlocked? How could a master planning tool adopting a spatial approach make a difference? What areas of investment and support measures should be included in policy papers? How does the tourism industry affect the sustainable development of territories and improve the quality of life of local populations?

Alexander Tkachev — Beneficiary, Mantera Group

Sergey Bachin — General Director, Vasta Discovery
Zarina Doguzova — Head, Russian Federal Agency for Tourism
Anton Zaytsev — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sakhalin Region
Dmitry Mednikov — Managing Director, Russian Media Group
Anton Perin — Senior Managing Banker of Business Unit, VEB.RF
Vadim Prasov — Director General, Alliance Hotel Management
Maksim Reshetnikov — Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Alexander Svetachev — Director, Northern Expeditions
Dmitry Chernyshenko — Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation

Front row participants:
Alexander Osipov — Governor of Trans-Baikal Territory
Olga Sun-Zhayu — General Director, Development Corporation of Primorsky Region
Sergey Sukhanov — General Director, Corporation Tourism.RF


Building D, level 5, conference hall 13

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Small Business – Big Strength

The Far East is a unique region with a variety of features that support the creation of businesses of all kinds. Nevertheless, the location of the macroregion and market conditions dictate its path of development. The markets of the Asia-Pacific countries are becoming more and more attractive to entrepreneurs in the Far East, but the development of the region’s export potential is held back by sanitary restrictions, issues with deliveries of products, a lack of proper terminals and infrastructure, and difficulties with payments. In the Far Eastern Federal District, the harsh climate, the lack of a high-quality road network, logistical remoteness, underdevelopment in general aviation, low population density and a significant tariff and taxation burden add to the existing objective factors that impede business in general and exports in particular. At present, only 1% of small and medium-sized businesses export their products, compared with 70% in Japan and over 50% in China. Exports – an indicator of competitiveness – must increase if economic growth is to be achieved. There is a sizeable number of promising export projects in the regions of the Far East, and the state is implementing many initiatives and support measures in the territory. There are, however, a number of issues that still need to be addressed. What and how are small and medium-sized businesses exporting? How can the collection, purchase and processing of wild plants and foods (including honey) be developed and turned into an attractive opportunity for SMEs and the self-employed? What difficulties do entrepreneurs face when exporting and how can they be resolved? What are the areas and drivers of growth?

Alexey Bobrovsky — Economic Observer

Pavel Volkov — State Secretary – Deputy Minister for the Development of the Russian Far East and the Arctic
Vladimir Gruzdev — Chairman of the Board, Association of Lawyers of Russia
German Zverev — President, All-Russian Association of Fisheries Enterprises, Entrepreneurs and Exporters
Aleksandr Isayevich — General Director – Chairman of the Management Board, Russian Small and Medium Business Corporation
Alexander Kalinin — President, All‑Russian Non‑Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Elina Sidorenko — General Director, Platform

Front row participants:
Vitaliy Gumenyuk — General Director, Stroyinter; Co-Founder, Ginkgo
Andrey Dalnov — Head of the Center for Industry Expertise, Russian Agricultural Bank
Sergey Dudnik — General Director, SPAR Far East
Alexey Shashkin — Director of Small and Microbusiness Division, Sberbank


Building D, level 5, conference hall 16

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Ecology: How to Save the Planet in a World Without Trust?

The Russian Federation aims to maintain a balance between its socioeconomic development and the current environmental agenda, which is driven by the need to ensure the country’s environmental security and sovereignty, among other things. Priorities include creating a sustainable municipal solid waste management system, halving emissions that have the greatest negative impact on the environment and human health, eliminating the most dangerous and harmful objects that have accumulated over time, implementing a number of measures to preserve biodiversity and improve water bodies, and also establishing a culture of environmental consciousness among the population. Environmental policy issues require the development of modern solutions and innovative approaches that take into account the global challenges of our time, the strengthening of international and interagency cooperation, the consolidation of various sectors of the economy, as well as extensive discussions at the highest level.

Alexander Zakondyrin — Chairman, Public Council under the Ministry of Nature of the Russian Federation

Elena Boitsova — Deputy Chief of Staff, Accounts Chamber Russian Federation
Andrey Grachev — Vice President for Federal and Regional Programs, Norilsk Nickel
Tatiana Zavyalova — Senior Vice President for ESG, Sberbank (online)
Stephan Solzhenitsyn — Chief Executive Officer, SGK; Member of the Board of Directors, SUEK
Aleksey Uchenov — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Konstantin Tsyganov — First Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation (online)
Aliya Shalabekova — Vive-Minister of Ecology, Geology and Natural Resources of Republic of Kazakhstan

Front row participants:
Andrey Betin — Deputy Governor of Nizhny Novgorod Region
Andrey Lebedev — Director of National and Industry Environmental Programs Realization Direction, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
Tadzio Schilling — Chief Executive Officer, Association of European Businesses (АЕВ)


Building B, level 6, conference hall 9

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Fishing Industry: New Horizons

The fishing industry is a priority component of food security for the domestic market and represents a considerable share of Russian exports. The regeneration and improvement of production, extraction and logistics assets within the fisheries industry guarantee high-quality and affordable aquatic biological resources for the Russian population and a competitive environment for domestic products on export markets. In the new reality and in view of the sanctions policy imposed by unfriendly countries, the issue of self-sufficiency is more pressing than ever. Furthermore, the highly charged situation is dictating the terms when it comes to building reliable and independent international relations, which are necessary in order for Russian exports to be independent. The further regeneration and improvement of the Russian fishing industry’s fishing, production and logistics assets is an important factor, including the recalibration of the investment quota mechanism in line with current realities. What must be done to ensure affordable pricing and a wide range of high-quality products on the shelves of retail outlets and in restaurants and fast food establishments? How can a culture of fish consumption be fostered among the younger generation, and what can be done to maximize the replacement of imports with domestic products? How can the share of the shadow market for products from illegally harvested aquatic biological resources be reduced? What opportunities are there for building reliable ‘trade bridges’ with new export markets?

Alexander Panin — Chairman, Fish Union Non-profit Organization

Igor Bukharov — President, Federation of Restaurateurs & Hoteliers of Russia
Alexander Demyanov — Member of the Board of Directors, Advanced Technologies Development Center (ATDC); Managing Director, VEB.RF
Viktor Evtukhov — State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Olga Naumova — General Director, Russian Fishery Company
Andrey Polomar — General Director, Antey Asset Management
Vladimir Sitnov — Senior Vice President, Sberbank
Vladimir Solodov — Governor of Kamchatka Territory
Ilya Shestakov — Head, Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo)
Pavel Shumov — Head of the Department for Interaction with Regional Authorities, X5 Group

Front row participants:
Inna Golfand — Partner, Strategy Partners
Konstantin Dolgov — Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation


Building B, level 7, conference hall 11

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Agriculture: You Reap What You Sow

Despite the current geopolitical challenges, agriculture remains one of the most stable industries. Notwithstanding, the level of self-sufficiency in agricultural production of the Far East regions remains low. At the same time, there are prerequisites for significant improvement. Notable potential lies in putting more agricultural land into circulation. Another opportunity is ample raw material base for developing oil crops processing and for production of fodder products, which is the basis for the sustainable development of dairy and beef cattle breeding, as well as poultry farming. The Far East is able to feed itself. Both nature and climate of the Far Eastern Federal District’s regions make it possible to grow almost any type of crops and agricultural products. Do the existing support measures for the industry allow for a multiple increase in production volumes? Which areas of the industry are priorities for each region? How to ensure the transfer of products between the regions of the FEFD? How can unused land be brought into use more quickly? How can industry support measures be changed to increase the level of self-sufficiency of the Far East in agricultural products?

Denis Tsesarenko — Founder, Teros; Founder, Sporos

Alexander Becker — Director General, Grin Agro
Artem Belov — Director General, National Union of Milk Producers (Soyuzmoloko)
Anatoliy Bobrakov — Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Kirill Bychkov — First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
Yury Egorov — Founder, Samberi
Sergei Lakhtyukhov — General Director, National Union of Poultry Farmers
Mikhail Matveenko — Deputy General Director, Ekoniva-APK Holding
Andrei Razin — Deputy Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (online)
Nikolay Kharitonov — Chairman of the Committee on the Development of the Far East and the Arctic, State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Evgeny Shestyuk — General Director, Myasoopttorg

Front row participants:
Olesya Kalashnikova — Director of Large Business Department, Russian Agricultural Bank
Tatiana Kreitor — Managing Director of Corporate Business Development Department, Sberbank
Boris Maksimov — Chairman of the Supervisory Board, National Association of professionals in the Field of Irrigation
Vitaliy Sergeychuk — Senior Vice President, VTB Bank
Maxim Smirnov — Deputy Head, The Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr)
Oleg Turkov — Deputy Chairman of the Government, Minister of Agriculture of the Amur Oblast


Building B, level 7, conference hall 12

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Efficient Energy: Balancing the Economy and the Environment

The economic potential of the Far East, a region of priority development, cannot be unleashed without modernizing its energy infrastructure, of which more than 60% has physically deteriorated. Over 350 energy facilities need to be immediately renovated, yet the existing mechanisms for attracting investment are unable to keep up with the investment needed for the region’s energy industry. In the electric power industry, strategic facilities that are essential to the development of the Eastern Operating Domain, among other things, have already been identified and included in the Comprehensive Plan for the Modernization and Expansion of Key Infrastructure. In the thermal power supply sector, major investment projects are currently being drawn up. The Far Eastern Concession mechanism for the creation and modernization of heat supply facilities has started being tested. One major problem in this regard is the lack of investment sources that are available in the current tariff regulation plan. Ensuring high-quality and reliable heat supply in the region would require five times more funds than what are available today. Growth in world energy prices requires the development of effective mechanisms to regulate fuel prices in order to prevent them from increasing on the domestic market for energy, housing, and utility companies. How can we enhance the investment appeal of heat and power facilities, and what government support tools will help solve these problems? How can we increase the appeal of the domestic coal market for suppliers of this type of fuel?

Maxim Basov — General Director, SUEK

Gadzhimagomed Guseynov — First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Vitaly Korolev — Deputy Head, Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation
Yuriy Korsun — Deputy Chairman, VEB.RF
Aisen Nikolaev — Head of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Stephan Solzhenitsyn — Chief Executive Officer, SGK; Member of the Board of Directors, SUEK
Irek Fayzullin — Minister of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Mikhail Khardikov — Head of Energy Business, En+ Group; General Director, Eurosibenergo
Viktor Khmarin — Chairman of the Management Board, General Director, RusHydro
Aleksey Shilo — Deputy Managing Director, Head, Centre for Corporate Transport Services (CFTO), Russian Railways


Building D, level 6, conference hall 18

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Central Planning: Bringing Forces to a Special Mode

The strategic management of regional development comprises a complex system of methods, documents and mechanisms used over time and designed to ensure the achievement of national priorities. The existing system of strategic management in the Far East is diverse and varies by region. Sufficient experience has been accumulated through domestic and global best practices to determine the need and possibility of changing it, taking into account the current tasks of transforming Russia’s economic system. Is centralizing regional strategic management necessary or possible? Which existing regional strategic management practices should remain decentralized, and which should be centralized? What strategic management resources do the regions of the Far East possess? Is an individual approach to each region required and what would it look like? What is "smart, modern and digital management of regional development" and how can it be integrated into strategic regional management? What contemporary planning and forecasting methods should be introduced into the system of regional strategic management? How can the interests of the population, business and government be brought together in the creation of regional strategies? What best strategic management practices from other countries can be applied to the regions of the Far East?

Mikhail Kuznetsov — Director, Eastern State Planning Center (FANU Vostokgosplan)

Dmitry Belousov — Head of Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting, Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Short-Term Forecasting (CMASF)
Irina Kalabikhina — Head of the Department of Population of the Faculty of Economics, Lomonosov Moscow State University
Sergey Kirov — Member of the Board, First Deputy Director General, RusHydro
Valery Kryukov — Director, Institute of Economics and Industrial Engineering of the Siberian Branch of the RAS (online)
Yuliya Morozova — Deputy Chairman of the Government of Kamchatskiy Krai
Anna Sharipova — Managing Director for National Projects, Russian Technologies State Corporation


Building B, level 6, conference hall 6

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Construction: Fast, High Quality, and at Volume

The construction industry has always been the main driver of economic development. The multiplier effect from investment in the industry is around 400%. In 2021, an all-time high of more than 3 million square metres of housing were commissioned in the Far Eastern Federal District. However, construction companies need to have the proper conditions in place to make long-term plans in the region (from the manufacturing of building materials to real estate construction). The Far East Mortgage Programme that was launched in 2020 has become the main driver for the development of the construction industry in the Far East. It’s the most popular subsidized mortgage programme in the county and accounts for 75% of all subsidized loans. Soft loans are used to buy every second apartment in new buildings in the Far Eastern Federal District. The higher demand for primary housing that has emerged as a result of the programme has given a major boost to new housing construction projects in the region. In 2021, new construction in the Far Eastern Federal District increased by 597,000 square metres, or 25%, compared with 2% for the rest of Russia. Some 164,000 square metres of multi-apartment housing were commissioned, an increase of 13%, versus 3% for Russia as a whole. In the first half of 2022 alone, construction in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District increased by almost 1 million square metres, or 38%, compared with the same period of last year. Starting in 2024, integrated residential development projects will start being implemented as part of the Far Eastern Quarter programme. In total, an additional 2.5 million square metres of housing are to be built throughout the Far Eastern Federal District by 2030. What incentives does the construction industry need to maintain these high rates of housing construction in the Far East?

Ivan Polandov — PIK SZ

Alexey Almazov — Managing Partner for the Regions Segment, FSK Group of Companies
Gadzhimagomed Guseynov — First Deputy Minister of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Vitaly Mutko — Chief Executive Officer, DOM.RF
Anatoly Pechatnikov — Deputy President – Chairman of the Management Board, VTB Bank
Aleksandr Prygunkov — Member of the Board of Directors, Samolet Group
Nikita Stasishin — Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation


Building D, level 5, conference hall 13

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Forestry: From Raw Material to End Product

The Far East has traditionally specialized in the export of unprocessed wood. However, thanks to the efficient state policy a number of large wood processing complexes have been recently put into operation. Now, the combined processing ability of those facilities exceeds 10 million m3 of wood per year. Given the ban on the export of unprocessed softwood and valuable hardwood from 1 January 2022 in Russia, there is an increase in the production of timber, plywood, pulp, biofuel, and furniture. At the same time, enterprises do not operate at full capacity due to the shortage of raw materials, while wood processors have encountered problems selling their products due to COVID-19 restrictions and sanctions imposed on Russia. In the current economic conditions, how to maintain profitability in the production and sale of wood products? How can we ensure that the established wood processing facilities are fully utilized? How will the digitalization of the forestry help product manufacturers?

Pavel Chashchin — Director, Roslesinforg

Oleg Bocharov — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Vasilii Ganchenko — General Director, Group of Companies «VTK»
Vladimir Ivin — Deputy Head, Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation
Vladimir Sitnov — Senior Vice President, Sberbank
Viacheslav Spirenkov — Deputy Head, Federal Forestry Agency (online)
Ilya Chernov — Director of the Investment Development Department, Ministry of the Russian Federation for the Development of the Far East and the Arctic
Aleksey Shilo — Deputy Managing Director, Head, Centre for Corporate Transport Services (CFTO), Russian Railways

Front row participants:
Mariya Avilova — First Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Khabarovsk Krai
Dmitrii Dobrynin — Vice President, New Forest Pro (online)
Nikolay Krotov — Deputy General Director, Arkhangelsk PPM (online)
Irina Makanova — Director of the Department of State Policy and Regulation in the Development of Specially Protected Natural Areas, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation
Vadim Moskvichev — Director, Vanino Forestry Center
Konstantin Stepanov — Minister of Forestry and Protection of Wildlife of the Primorsky Krai


Building A, level 5, conference hall 4

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Future of Industries: What to Buy and What to Produce? Shipbuilding

The development of the Far East as an industrial hub will make it possible to build and service ships and maritime equipment at enterprises located in the Far Eastern Federal District, including the Far Eastern Shipbuilding and Ship Repair Centre (Vladivostok), Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex (Bolshoy Kamen), Vostochnaya Verf (Vladivostok), Amur Shipbuilding Plant (Komsomolsk-on-Amur), Khabarovsk Shipbuilding Plant (Khabarovsk), Nakhodka Ship Repair Yard (Nakhodka), Livadiyskiy Ship Repair and Shipbuilding Plant (Nakhodka) and Northeastern Repair Centre (Vilyuchinsk). The current tasks in the sector include the construction of large-capacity vessels to sustain cargo traffic in the waters of the Northern Sea Route, and fishing and crab fishing vessels at the shipyards of the Far Eastern Federal District. What state support measures are needed to attract Russian and foreign investors? What steps should be taken to increase the production capacity of enterprises? How will the existing issues in securing the technological sovereignty of the shipbuilding industry be resolved?

Konstantin Dolgov — Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

Mikhail Degtyarev — Governor of Khabarovsky Territory
Viktor Evtukhov — State Secretary – Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Alexey Rakhmanov — Chairman of the Board, Chief Executive Officer, United Shipbuilding Corporation
Vyacheslav Ruksha — Deputy Director General – Director for the Northern Sea Route Directorate, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM

Front row participants:
Evgeniy Ditrikh — Chief Executive Officer, GTLK
Denis Kravchenko — Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Economic Policy
Khasan Likhov — Deputy Head, Federal Agency for Fisheries (Rosrybolovstvo)
Sergey Tseluyko — Chief Executive Officer, "Zvezda" Shipbuilding Complex


Building B, level 6, conference hall 7

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Future of Industries: Where Are We Ahead, Where Are We Behind, and Why?

Amidst a fundamental transformation of the geopolitical and economic landscape, the task facing the Russian economy is unprecedented in its complexity and scale: the creation of an entirely new economic model to drive the country’s economic development. The model must deliver technological sovereignty, reduce dependence on imports of critical foreign products, and restore and redesign value chains in key sectors of the national economy. The sectors most dependent on imports of foreign raw materials and components today are mechanical engineering, electronics and the pharmaceutical industry. Catching up in terms of development and replenishing individuals links of production chains in turn looks like an ineffective strategy. What is needed is a fundamentally different approach that not only replaces technological solutions, but offers new ones developed through the integration of science and the real economy. In a manner that is analogous to the concept of the ‘social elevator’, the creation of ‘technological elevators’ could make it possible to advance not one but several niche technologies in tandem. Russia has colossal resource, technological and scientific potential, which has made it possible to achieve leadership in sectors such as energy, metallurgy, chemicals, forestry and agriculture. At the same time, accelerated technological development is required in priority sectors of the national economy like aviation, the automotive industry, shipbuilding, electronics and pharmaceuticals, which have been hindered in their advanced development by a lack of interconnectedness and interaction among domestic industries, as well as low levels of integration into global production chains. Russia now possesses all the necessary prerequisites for a transition to a new growth period. Clearly, realizing this goal will not be possible through state budgetary spending alone, and the Russian business community must be actively involved in the process. Overcoming the disparities in development in remote territories such as Siberia, the Arctic and the Far East, as well as creating new ‘enclaves’ of integrated economic development are also highly important factors in achieving sustainable economic growth. Will the key sectors that form the basis of society’s life-support system (the military-industrial complex, agribusiness, the fuel and energy sector, transport, telecommunications and healthcare) be able to fully transition to a policy of import independence? How can an effective system of business incentives be created in order to achieve large-scale import substitution? How can scientific research be integrated with the real economy? What should the system for managing the technological development of economic sectors look like, and to what extent is the experience of the USSR and other countries relevant here? How can remote regions (the Arctic, Siberia, the Far East) attract private investment for development?

Ivan Lobanov — Rector, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

Nikolay Volobuev — Deputy General Director, Russian Technologies State Corporation
Alexey Kulapin — General Director, Russian Energy Agency (REA) of the Ministry of Energy of Russia
Denis Manturov — Deputy Prime Minister – Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation
Natalya Popova — First Deputy General Director, Innopraktika
Maxim Sokolov — President, AVTOVAZ
Oleg Khorokhordin — Head of the Altai Republic
Alexander Shokhin — President, Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs

Front row participants:
Konstantin Dolgov — Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Economic Policy of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
Yamil Quispe — Co-founder, Pacifica
Oksana Smirnova-Krell — Vice President for Ecosystem Technological Development, Sberbank
Alexey Fedorov — Head of "Quantum Information Technologies" Group, Russian Quantum Center (online)
Wang Qi — Director, Institute for China-Russia Strategic Cooperation, Tsinghua University (online)


Building B, level 6, conference hall 8

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Asian Green Market Energy: Get Connected

In partnership with Gazprombank

Given the turbulence on energy markets, finding a balance between developing the climate agenda as part of a sustainable economy and a stable socioeconomic situation is a particularly acute issue. Asia-Pacific countries have traditionally tried to take a balanced approach to planning their energy transition and the harmonious distribution of investments between new and traditional industries. For most large Asian countries, green finance markets have already become an important vehicle for attracting investment. In particular, in 2021, the Asia-Pacific region became the fastest growing region in sales of green bonds, accounting for roughly 26% of the new global green debt. Recently, Asia-Pacific nations have been actively developing a brand-new segment – carbon markets. Emissions trading systems have emerged in South Korea, Japan, and China, with the Chinese system poised to become the largest in the world in the foreseeable future. Russia’s low-carbon development strategy also includes markets for green finance and carbon credits as key components of the country’s energy transition. How are these new markets developing in the Asia-Pacific region and what potential do Russian and Asian investors have for taking part in each other’s markets? What does Russia need to do in order to actively collaborate with its Asian partners and integrate into these growing Asia-Pacific markets?

Natalya Tretyak — First Vice President, Gazprombank

Vyacheslav Alenkov — Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Sakhalin Region
Dmitry Vakhrukov — Deputy Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation
Victor Drozdov — Member of the Board, Polyus
Aleksey Kozlov — Member of the Management Board, Managing Director, SIBUR
Dmitry Pristanskov — State Secretary – Vice President for Relations with Authorities and Administration, Norilsk Nickel
Grace Hui — Honarary Adviser, Financial Reporting Council (online)
Terry Zhang — Head of Global Strategy and Business Management, Pengyuan International (online)

Front row participants:
Alexey Zhikharev — Director, Russia Renewable Energy Development Association; Partner, Vygon Consulting
Marina Slutskaya — Sustainability Director, DOM.RF Bank


Building B, level 6, conference hall 9

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

The Far East and the Arctic: A Territory of New Energy

In partnership with the State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom

Nuclear power engineering acts as the driver for development of macro-regions and offers implementation of small nuclear power plants (SNPPs); their construction will enable to ensure economic and technical feasibility of large-scale infrastructure projects, such as development of Kyuchus cluster of solid mineral deposits in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and power supply for Baimsky Ore Mining and Processing Plant. Implementation of SNPPs provides economically viable prices for the consumers estimated with due regard for the project life cycle as well as high quality of electric power. At present Rosatom State Corporation is a multi-specialty and reliable partner engaged in the projects for arrangement of wind farms on the island of Sakhalin, development of a hydrogen-powered train, disposal and pumping of carbon dioxide. The Far East and the Arctic Region have a great potential for achievement of the synergistic effect due to application of the SNPP power, wind and hydropower, development of environment-friendly hydrogen-powered transport and transport with the use of gas fuel, establishment and refurbishment of the transport infrastructure for the Northern Sea Route. Environment-friendly modern power engineering is based on the human-centered integrated approach focused on strategic development of the Far East and the Arctic Region over the coming decades. What are the needs for electric power in the Far East and the Arctic Region? How to ensure compliance with the sustainable development principles in power supply of large-scale infrastructure projects? What is the impact of new power engineering on the living standards of people and business efficiency?

Mikhail Bazhenov — Partner, Capital Projects & Infrastructure, Debt Advisory Leader, Technologies of Trust

Roman Berdnikov — First Deputy General Director, Member of the Management Board, RusHydro
Roman Kopin — Governor of Chukotka Autonomous Region
Dmitry Livanov — Rector, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
Valery Limarenko — Governor of Sakhalin Region
Alexey Likhachev — Director General, State Atomic Energy Corporation ROSATOM
Aisen Nikolaev — Head of Sakha Republic (Yakutia)
Vladimir Solodov — Governor of Kamchatka Territory


Building B, level 7, conference hall 12

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Business Under Protection: Guarantees of Business Stability

Given the current situation, the only way to both preserve and develop domestic business is to improve the system that guarantees the sanctity of entrepreneurs’ rights and to expand the mechanisms for protecting Russian business. Among other things, in order to preserve, support and develop favorable conditions for entrepreneurial activity, the pressure put on business by law enforcement and controlling bodies must be alleviated. What additional measures should be taken to protect business’ rights in the current situation? What legal mechanisms are effective in the short and long term? What should be a modern national jurisdiction?

Vladimir Gruzdev — Chairman of the Board, Association of Lawyers of Russia

Elena Bezdenezhnykh — Vice President for Regional Policy and Government and Administration Relations, RUSAL
Alexey Guznov — Secretary of State – Deputy Chairman, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (Bank of Russia)
Alexander Kalinin — President, All‑Russian Non‑Governmental Organization of Small and Medium‑Sized Businesses OPORA RUSSIA
Igor Krasnov — General Prosecutor of the Russian Federation
Tatyana Mineeva — Commissioner for Entrepreneurs' Rights Protection in Moscow
Zhang Mingqi — Vice-President, General Secretary, China Law Society (online)
Tatyana Moskalkova — High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation
Svetlana Orlova — Auditor of Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation
Maksim Reshetnikov — Minister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation

Front row participants:
Vadim Lobov — President, Synergy Corporation
Elina Sidorenko — General Director, Platform


Building B, level 6, conference hall 9

The Global Division of Labour: From Old Connections to New

Climate Agenda: New Opportunities in the New Reality

In partnership with Udokan Copper

According to the Third Assessment Report of Roshydromet on climate change and its impacts for Russia, as well as latest surveys by Roshydromet and RAS institutes it is paramount for Russia to halt global warming at 2–2,50 C, in which case adaptation measures could counteract the negative effects. Similar conclusions are contained in the Sixth Assessment Report of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, issued in 2021–2022. If global warming reaches 4–50 C Russia and the rest of the world can expect severe climate conditions. To exclude such a scenario, at the end of 2021 all major countries including Russia, China, and India declared their readiness to achieve carbon neutrality, a balance between greenhouse gas emissions and their absorption by terrestrial ecosystems, by 2060–2070. The long-haul movement is already underway in all major developing countries, including every G20 country. How to continue international cooperation and collaboration to resolve the global climate problem in a divided world? Most Russian companies that are major emitters of greenhouse gases are refocusing their marketing strategies on APAC markets. What are the challenges and opportunities in terms of carbon regulation that the turn to the East offers to companies?

Aleksey Kokorin — Climate Change Officer, World Wildlife Fund

Malik Mahmud Al-Haythar — Chairman of the Advisory Council to the Provincial Government of Ache (online)
Roman Berdnikov — First Deputy General Director, Member of the Management Board, RusHydro
Victor Drozdov — Member of the Board, Polyus
Milena Milich — Acting Minister of Ecology and Sustainable Development of the Sakhalin Region
Ekaterina Salugina-Sorokovaya — General Director, International and Comparative Law Research Center
Stephan Solzhenitsyn — Chief Executive Officer, SGK; Member of the Board of Directors, SUEK
Yuliya Shabala — Deputy Director General for Sustainable Development and Corporate Affairs, Udokan Copper
Andrey Sharonov — Chief Executive Officer, National ESG-Alliance
Mikhail Yulkin — General Director, CarbonLab (online)
Mikhail Yurchuk — Director for Interaction with Federal Authorities, Norilsk Nickel

Front row participants:
Aleksey Kaplun — Chief Executive Officer, H2 Clean Energy
Ivan Rubanov — Deputy Head of the Carbon Market and Innovation Projects Department, St. Petersburg International Commodity and Raw Materials Exchange