6 March 2024
The Ministry for the Development of the
Russian Far East and Arctic has teamed up with the Far East and Arctic
Development Corporation to implement the ‘Muravyov-Amursky 2030’ management
programme, providing training for the civil service and development
institutions of the Far East.
The launch of the programme was announced in
2021 by Alexei Chekunkov, Minister of Development of the Russian Far East and
Arctic, at the 6th Eastern Economic Forum, organized by the Roscongress
Foundation, with programme participants on hand for the Forum in 2022 and 2023.
The third installment of the programme
will consist of eight training modules intended for a single academic year. The
programme will immerse participants in the work of government agencies and the regions
of the Far Eastern Federal District and provide them with knowledge central to
public administration, sociology, history, and oriental studies while arming
them with the practical tools required to resolve government problems. The first
two modules had 55 people competing for each spot in the programme, with candidates
from 81 Russian regions taking part.
Graduates of the first group in the Far
Eastern Federal District have already taken up positions as ministers, deputy
ministers, deputy municipality heads, and managers at various levels while also
running Priority 2030 programme offices at the Far East’s top universities.
Selection for the third group will last
until 15 March 2024. More detailed information can be found on the programme website
at муравьевамурский-2030.рф.