“Gubernia” today is a really popular local television that changes together with the modern media world. For almost 20 years of broadcasting «Gubernia» has become the most authoritative regional channel. We are watched throughout the whole territory of the Khabarovskii krai (Khabarovsk region). We proved that local TV can be powerful TV. We discuss topics which are close and familiar to the people of the region. Discuss our common problems. Support people who live here.
Every day the whole county chooses our channel. We adapted the broadcasting net for local viewers, for their routine and life style. The schedule of the programs during morning and evening prime time lets us attract the maximum of TV audience. We broadcast 24 hours a day. Almost 70% of workday content is our own product. “Morning With Gubernia”, “News”, “Big City Live”, “Gonna Be Tasty”, “Crime Scene” have stably high rating. According to TNS company “Gubernia” has the highest share among all regional channels. This is due to our own production.
People of Khabarovskii krai know that they always can watch live broadcast of most important events exactly on our channel – Victory Parade, matches of Continental Hockey League, annual prom, holiday salutes and fireworks.
Live stream of World Bandy Championship games, Judo National Championship, Soccer National League matches are now available for people of the region thanks to our channel.
Furthermore “Gubernia” is not only information and entertainment channel. Through years we realized several important social projects:
“Hurry to Help” – a crowdfunding TV marathon for helping sick children,
“Memory Album” – the Far Eastern veterans life and feats stories,
“Waiting for Mom” – series of stories about children from orphanage,
“Do Business” – programs within national project aimed to support entrepreneurs undertakings.
We are proud to say that “Gubernia” is the experience and the professionalism. This is true. Beside the audience affection we are regularly awarded by Russian television professionals for information, entertainment programs and television design. There are “Mediabrand” prizes in our hands and 9 statuettes of TEFI – the most prestigious television contest in Russia, analogue for American Emmy Award. And at last “Gubernia” gives the best frames to its audience by means of the whole creative team of reporters, broadcasters, designers, cameramen, directors and editors.
The Far Eastern Business newspaper “Zolotoy Rog” (registered by the Ministry of Press of the Russian Federation PI No. 77-16054 of 04.08.2003).
Is considered to be the leader of the public and business press in the Far Eastern region, has repeatedly won in the All-Russia competitions: Zolotoy Gong of Alliance of the Heads of Regional Media (2003, 2011), “Made in Russia” (Business Against Corruption), Delovaya Rossiya, “The Economic Revival of Russia” of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation and the Union of Journalists of Russia, as the best regional publication, “SMIrotvorets” of the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation for the coverage of municipalities, “Trademark” as “Best Regional Brand” of CCI of Primorye. In 2011, the newspaper “Zolotoy Rog” became the winner of the All-Russia competition “Doverie”. Since 2007, “Zolotoy Rog” is annually included in the “Golden Press Fund of Russia”. In 2013, the newspaper “Zolotoy Rog”, the only media outlet, won the “Customs Olympus” in Russia. In 2014, the newspaper “Zolotoy Rog” received gratitude for high professionalism from the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, Moscow. On the results of 2015, the newspaper “Zolotoy Rog” was recognized as the “Regional Brand” (Golden Prize) in the contest of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Primorye and the Khabarovsk Territory.
Characteristics of the publication:
frequency of release: weekly, on Tuesdays;
format А3 – 262х360 mm (working field of the page 940 sq. cm),
print: black-and-white and color (4 + 1), 8 color pages per issue;
language - Russian;
single circulation: 9000 copies;
volume of one issue: 24-32 pages;
approximate subjects: - a public-business publication with reliable information on the economic life of the region and the activities of government bodies, covering issues of social development, business, transport, logistics, foreign economic activity, finance, labor market and ecology;
availability of duplication in the electronic version in the Internet ZRPRESS.ru – over 90,000 visitors a month;
the territory of distribution: Vladivostok, Primorsky and Khabarovsk Territory;
distribution methods: subscription, retail, target delivery, availability on the air flights Vladivostok-Moscow and other regions of the Far Eastern Federal District, banks, hotels;
1 st place among the printed media of Primorsky Territory in the rating of citation of the All-Russia Agency Medialogiya on the results of 2015;
experience in the implementation of similar services with state authorities for 10 years or more.
About the Publisher.
The founder and publisher of the newspaper, OOO Zolotoy Rog Publishing Company, has history since May 31, 1992, from the release of the first issue of “Zolotoy Rog”, and today it produces five media: the Far Eastern Business newspaper “Zolotoy Rog”, the interregional business magazine “Dalnevostochny Kapital”, a medical “Journal Zdorovya”, a directory for school graduates “Kuda poiti uchit’sya”, the online edition ZRPRESS.Ru and the sites DVkapital.ru and DV-rating.ru. The organizer of the annual Business Award “Company of the Year and Manager of the Year of Primorsky Territory”.
The inter-regional magazine FAR EAST CAPITAL has is published in Vladivostok since May 2000.
Its publisher is Publishing Company “Zolotoy Rog”, Llc. and founder is the Vladivostok Public Journalists Organization of “Zolotoy Rog” Newspaper. This full-color glossy edition is published monthly on 80–132 pages of A4 format at a press run of 6,500.
Subject coverage: FEC specializes in business information addressed to the Far East’s business circles. Its main topics are social and economic information, relationship between business and power, corporate activities, branch and commodity market overviews, regional banking news, crime, etc.
Geography and distribution: Primorsky territory, Khabarovsky territory, Magadan, Kamchatka, Sakhalin and Amur arias, Chukotka Autonomous District and Jewish Autonomous aria. The magazine is distributed through subscription, in retail, at major exhibitions and grand presentations in the Far Eastern region, at international events, onboard air flights carried out by Domodedovo Airlines, Korean Air, Aeroflot, Siberia, in SV sleeping cars operated by Far East Railways. There is a direct delivery service for the cities of Siberia and central part of Russia.
Audience: top and mid-level managers of Far Eastern industrial and financial companies, entrepreneurs, regional political elite, economists, university professors, economically active groups of the general public.
Public television of Primorye established in 1998.
Audience – 2 000 000 people in Primorsky Krai
Broadcast coverage of more than 91% of the population of Primorye
Licensed broadcasting zone – Primorsky Krai
Potential coverage – the whole territory of the Russian Federation and CIS countries
Time vesania around the clock, every day
The main focus of the TV channel – news and information
Content broadcasting – news, thematic programs, films, licensed series and movies
Method of distribution – 100 repeaters in the territory of Primorye, a cable network, TVi, interet, satellite “YAMAL-201” (KU – BAND, 10990-frequency 2170-stream)
Primorskaya gazeta – is a regional newspaper, ranked in top ten massmedia of Primorsky territory. Its online edition primgazeta.ru daily delivers current local and national news on economics, finance, technology, sports, entertainment and more through storytelling, instructions, infographs, photos and videos.
The newspaper has a unique status as official regional publisher of legislative initiatives. In newsweek issue the most notable political, economic, sports and cultural events of the region are published. Thus, Primorskaya Gazeta is useful and most popular for heads of municipal governments, enterprises, as well as lawyers, businessmen, accountants and economists and other active citizens.
10 thousand copies of the newspaper is distributed over whole region, including Vladivostok, Artem, Ussuriisk, Nakhodka, Spassk-Dalny and other cities.