19 August 2024
The business programme of the Eastern Economic Forum 2024, which will take place on 3–6 September on the campus of Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok, has been released on the event’s official website. The EEF is being organized by the Roscongress Foundation.
“Russia continues its pivot to the East. This requires the construction of new railways, highways, and energy facilities, as well as further steps to develop the Northern Sea Route. The key to the accelerated development of the Far East is the support of Russian President Vladimir Putin and his vision of the priority challenges facing the macro-region. Unique support measures have been developed for the Far Eastern Federal District, including advanced special economic zones, the Free Port of Vladivostok, preferential treatment in the Kuril Islands, and the Far Eastern Mortgage and Hectare programmes. Based on instructions from the president, a massive project to renovate 25 Far Eastern cities is under way. Many of these support measures have been discussed and developed at the Eastern Economic Forum. And the EEF itself has become one of the tools for the development of the Far Eastern macro-region. Politicians, representatives of Russian business circles, and dozens of other countries already know very well that the most important and strategic issues concerning the development of the Far Eastern Federal District and the entire Asia-Pacific region are discussed at the EEF. Today, the world is going through a difficult stage of development and a new structure of international relations is taking shape. The Forum is becoming a platform to strengthen ties with friendly countries. We are open to investors and are ready to cooperate with them,” Russian Deputy Prime Minister and Presidential Plenipotentiary Envoy to the Far Eastern Federal District Yury Trutnev said.
The business events of the EEF 2024 are split into seven thematic pillars: ‘New Contours of International Cooperation’, ‘Technologies to Ensure Independence’, ‘Financial Value System’, ‘The Russian Far East’, ‘People, Education, and Patriotism’, ‘Transport and Logistics: New Routes’, and ‘Master Plans: From Architecture to the Economy’.
“The global changes taking place worldwide require new approaches to economic development and cooperation between states. This is why the main theme of the Forum is ‘Far East 2030. Combining Strengths to Create New Potential’. Whereas last year we recapped the results of ten years of the macro-region’s development, now the participants will discuss the image of the future of the Far East and outline new trajectories for its development. The EEF 2024 programme includes around 100 business events on a wide range of topics that were prepared taking into account the development of technology and changes in the structure of the global economy. I firmly believe that the agenda we have selected will help us come up with specific solutions together with our partners that will have a positive impact on the Russian Far East’s position as one of the key centres of the Asia-Pacific region. In turn, this will contribute to improving living standards in the Far Eastern Federal District,” Adviser to the Russian President and Executive Secretary of the EEF Organizing Committee Anton Kobyakov said.
The events of the ‘New Contours of International Cooperation’ block will be devoted to the further development of the BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, and Eurasian Economic Union integration associations, the energy transition, industrial mining, and the modernization of infrastructure.
The sessions held as part of ‘Technologies to Ensure Independence’ theme will feature discussions about the prospects for strengthening digital security, the industry of new materials, additive technologies, and industrial robotics. In addition, the session participants will look at ways to finance modern energy and the Russian shipbuilding industry.
The ‘Financial Value System’ pillar will focus on the process of Russia’s transition to carbon neutrality, improvements to the mechanisms used to manage the results of intellectual activity, as well as the specifics of international commercial arbitration in Asia-Pacific countries.
Participants in the sessions of ‘The Russian Far East’ pillar will examine the current state of the region’s tourism industry, small businesses, agriculture, and fishing industry, discuss ways to improve the Far Eastern Hectare and Far Eastern Mortgage programmes, the functioning of the special administrative district on Russky Island in the Primorsky Territory, and consider a mechanism for the integrated development of territories and the creation of a comfortable urban environment.
The key topics of the ‘People, Education, and Patriotism’ pillar will include how to attract talented young people to the region and create conditions for their development, establish workforce capacity, including through the Muravyov-Amursky 2030 programme, improve the availability of medical care in the Far East, create conditions to increase the birth rate, preserve the traditions and way of life of the Indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia, and the Far East, as well as build up the creative industries.
The development of the Northern Sea Route, Far Eastern aviation, transport corridors, and new sea routes will be the primary focus of discussion in the ‘Transport and Logistics: New Routes’ pillar.
The participants in discussions held as part of the ‘Master Plans: From Architecture to Economy’ thematic section will examine modern mechanisms and practices for the integrated development of territories.
The Forum programme also includes business dialogues between Russian entrepreneurs and their partners from China, India, and ASEAN countries.
The second Falcon Day International Forum will take place on the opening day of the EEF. In addition, the BRICS Creative Innovations Forum, the APEC International Conference on Higher Education Cooperation, and the Day of the Future youth programme are also scheduled to be held. Per tradition, the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District will present their achievements at the Far East Street exhibition, which will take place on 3–8 September.